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I told myself when I started this blog that I would write about whatever is on my mind.

Several things happened over the weekend that drained me both mentally and physically, but plenty of sleep on Sunday has managed to rejuvenate my body and my mind.

We all have stuff going on in our lives, but sometimes I feel God sends it to me as a storm versus a few raindrops. For example, I sat Saturday in a huge family group with some very wounded people that drained me mentally - found out Sunday morning that no one had seen or had contact with my son that was working at a National Park in California. So my Sunday consisted of 6 people on phones and computers trying to get some information from someone.

 I did a lot of praying over the weekend and God revealed a lot to me. I made several decisions yesterday that involved some people in my life, but I'm faithful and obedient when it comes to God speaking to me - I know it's all going to work out.

Today, I woke up thinking about what I'm suppose to be doing with my life. I saw a Winco commercial and thought, I should of stuck with doing commercial work - I also think of opening a business again, and a huge part of me wants something that will take me to a new city so I can experience new things and new people. Who knows - only God knows where he wants me to be and what his plan is for me - all I can do is to continue to pray..

Have an awesome Tuesday!

"Life is not how it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference."


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