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Lil' Miss Pup

This little cutie ended up spending the night last - apparently she has forgotten where she lives.

My daughter, Tiffanie was on her way to my house yesterday when she saw this pup running in the street. She stopped, opened her car door, and the pup jumped in. The kids love her, my Pitt Bull loves her, but my Pekingese hates her and would like her out of here ASAP!

Miss Pup and I walked the neighborhood last night in search of her family. We actually ended up walking with another dog walker that thought she was Abby - we walked to Abby's house, but Abby was in her backyard. So Miss Pup stayed the night in a make shift bed, (laundry basket with a satin pillow) but it's time for her to move on. I just can't add her to my to do list... these are my golden years, I'm suppose to be free, traveling the world without kids and puppies.

If anyone knows who she is and where she lives, please send me a message.

Happy Friday!


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