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This Is Life

When I came across this the sign that says Life U R Here it reminded me of a recent conversation that I had with my husband and my good friend Denise.

It seem like at least 3 times out of the year I ask myself  "Is this what my life is suppose to be - what's my purpose?"  I can't help but wonder sometimes if this is it...not complaining, just curious.

I'm not sure why I go there since I just go with the flow having  faith that I'm walking in the right direction. I have confidence that someday it will all make sense. I guess the bigger question is, when is my someday coming? I know we all have struggles and we all experience the ups and downs of life - I'm just exhausted of the ups and down of an addict. Is this always going to be my life?

 I know I'm not alone since I have several friends my age and older raising their grandchildren, dealing with their adult children's drug/alcohol addiction, and putting their life on hold. They have days of questioning as well.
Even though we may question our life occasionally - we never stop doing what we do.We are diligent and obedient women that hope to make a difference for those involved. I guess time will only tell.

 I'm not sure if any of us will end up having the life we planned for ourselves. As for me,  I just keep truckin in the direction that God sends me. It's been a long journey and I do get weary, but the alternative would be no journey at all. So all I can do is Let Go and Let God. This is my life!

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity.”
― Gilda Radner


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