Everyone that knows me well is very familiar with me preaching that life is short so live it to its fullest because none of us know what the future has in store for us.
Many years ago when I was in insurance they constantly preached to us that none of us know our demise. I really started thinking about how true that was and decided I really needed to live my life. Which brought me to the conclusion that a corporate life wasn't for me, but it also made realize that we need to slow down and do the things that we love. No excuses that there isn't enough time or enough money. We need to be true to ourselves and make the time.
I didn't wake up thinking about life being short until my husband checked his work email and learned that his boss passed away this morning. He was younger than us and has a young child and a wife that he has left behind, and of course many many loved ones. It's so sad and so hard to believe at this very moment.
When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive...
To breathe ~ To think ~ To Enjoy ~ To Love.
Take time each day to see the blessings that you have. You have to let go of the burdens that make your heart ache, release the stresses from your life, and find time to have that moment with yourself and what brings you peace. My moment is sitting with my cup of coffee in the morning while thanking God in advance for my day - knowing that I have the favor of God brings me comfort and happiness.
Find your moment, find your happy, and live each day to its fullest.
Many years ago when I was in insurance they constantly preached to us that none of us know our demise. I really started thinking about how true that was and decided I really needed to live my life. Which brought me to the conclusion that a corporate life wasn't for me, but it also made realize that we need to slow down and do the things that we love. No excuses that there isn't enough time or enough money. We need to be true to ourselves and make the time.
I didn't wake up thinking about life being short until my husband checked his work email and learned that his boss passed away this morning. He was younger than us and has a young child and a wife that he has left behind, and of course many many loved ones. It's so sad and so hard to believe at this very moment.
When you arise in the morning,
think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive...
To breathe ~ To think ~ To Enjoy ~ To Love.
Take time each day to see the blessings that you have. You have to let go of the burdens that make your heart ache, release the stresses from your life, and find time to have that moment with yourself and what brings you peace. My moment is sitting with my cup of coffee in the morning while thanking God in advance for my day - knowing that I have the favor of God brings me comfort and happiness.
Find your moment, find your happy, and live each day to its fullest.
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