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Let Go and Let The Director Direct

A little late on writing my thoughts for the day.

My 3 year old grandson spent the day with me and I had forgotten all that was involved with hanging out with him. I figured better late than never, so here's a quick message that I want to share.

I read several different devotionals each day, but one that I'm really enjoying was sent to me by the author. His name is Charles L, and the book is Just A Thought. It's a book for those in sobriety, but I think everyone can apply his thoughts to their life.

Yesterdays thought was a great reminder for me. It was about surrender and how surrender is the key to the gates to Heaven. I was reminded that I need to allow myself to be directed by God instead of trying to control everything in my life. I work hard on not trying to control, but growing up in a highly dysfunctional home, you tend to control. Also, having a son living with me that is working on his sobriety sometimes sends me to a place of control. I remind myself most days at least ten times a day that I can't control what isn't mine to control. Admittedly, it doesn't come easy for me.

I want to share part of Charles thought from yesterday.  "To finally believe and understand that we do does not make the wheel go round...we are just players in a play. The director is God. If we will listen to His direction, the play comes off without a hitch. If we choose our own lines, come in stage left instead of stage right, etc., the play is a jumbled mess. To surrender, we need to let the director direct, and we as actors, act."

I carried that thought with me all day yesterday and reminded myself of it again today. We need to let go and let the director direct. He supplies everything we need to carry out His plan for our life. I can't fix or change anything by trying to control.


Peace, love, & hugs!

Thank you Charles L for your words of wisdom.


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