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A Long Season

I've been having a few thoughts lately about acceptance. With age and experience I have learned not to judge or make assumptions, but I seem to be faced daily with people that are bugging the hell out of me. I'm thankful that I'm not as quick to react, but I have to admit that I'm struggling with keeping my mouth shut. I know that I'm not perfect and I don't pretend to be; and I recognize that we are all flawed in some way or another, but attaining a Christlike behavior is a hard walk for me with certain individuals. I have to remind myself that "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Phil.4:13) I seem to need that assurance and that divine strength through out my day. Which leads me to the question of why? I know that having a relationship with God doesn't remove my struggles or hardships, but why are these people still in my life? Is this lesson for me, or am I here for them to learn and grow. It becomes difficult to mentor people that you see no progress and no growth in. I can only be their cheerleader for so long - at least that's what I think. Apparently God has a different opinion because I can't seem to remove them from my life. Let's just say it been a long season. I want to be obedient, and as a believer I want to be identified by my love for others. I didn't grow up in a family that allowed me to be a believer of  love, so to love unconditionally has been a challenge for me, but with the wisdom that comes with age I know that this is what I'm on earth for. I'm reminded of the new commandment that Jesus issued during his last meal. " Love one another, even as I have loved you." (v.34) So, I'm leaning on that reminder along with one of my favorite quotes. "If we can learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher." -Pema Chodron  Maybe the lesson is for me!

Peace, love, and hugs!



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