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Showing posts from February, 2016

It's Been A Minute

It's been a minute since I've sat in front of laptop and blogged. I guess it's been more like a year or so, but for valid reasons - life! As well planned as I think my days, my months, and my year are, inevitably it goes in a direction that I'm typically not prepared for. But with that being said, I'm all about doing the things that I love, and this is one of them. As far as my family goes, there has been additions to the family, illness, and incarceration. There has been situations that have changed the dynamics of my family in a way that I don't think there's any going back to the way it was; and I have accepted that. It just might be Gods way of showing me that I need to focus on the little things that continue to bring me happiness, and let Him handle the rest. As for me personally, I have had growth in my Life Coaching business, my t- shirts are bringing hope and joy to others, I've connected with new people, and I have been blessed with opportu...